1. Rationale for choosing the topic
The topic and action I have decided to explore as part of the project plan is "How migration and cultural diversity affect society?" This subject is the result of my interest and personal commitment - as a person from one of the minority groups who have lived in the Republic of Ireland for twenty years. Apart from that aspect, migration is a very complex phenomenon. It is a collection of social, economic, political, and environmental factors. I`m also hugely interested in Ernest Georg Ravenstein`s attempt to explain what migration is and what laws govern them. Using his place of birth as observation study, identified a set of generalizations that he called "migration laws" for migration between Britain in the nineteenth century. Most of these generalizations persist even today.
Other reasons behind the choice of this topic are meaningfulness and its relevance. Because cultural diversity and how it is affecting society is one of the key challenges facing modern societies. The need for deeper scientific knowledge: The topic of cultural diversity and its impact on society not only gives me a chance to deepen my knowledge of the subject, but also to understand this issue by conducting my own research and analysing existing data.
Practical implications and application of the results: As a student of political and social sciences, I am eager to acquire knowledge that has real applications and can contribute to improved decision-making process. Impact analysis of "how does cultural diversity affect society" can provide valuable information and insights that can be used by me in my potential employment.
2. Timeline for the project
The due date for submission is the last week of October. That means that the time of the project is prescribed for a period of one semester, twelve weeks.
3. Aims and objectives of the action project
Analysis of the phenomenon and scale of migration in contemporary Europe.
The impact of migration on shaping social moods.
The phenomenon of migration in shaping political attitudes of young adults.
An attempt to determine what changes (if any) were caused by the referendum on Brexit in the migration of people to the British Isles.
4. Research design and methods to be used
My main method that I will be using can be described as desk research. What that means is the deep analysis of documents. I will be primarily using existing literature, reports, statistics, information from websites, etc. I will also look at few migration theories.
5. Data collection and analysis
Given the time frame and complexity of the topic, data collection and analysis will mainly focus on a secondary source of information. Already mentioned above reports, statistics, information from websites as well as documentary movies. I will also use my own experience as a migrant and as a teacher in Polish school where I have to deal with kids who – because of the fact they were born in a country with which they identify, and at the same time being raised Polish - trying to find their true identity.